HTT-961 air temperature and humidity transmitter

Product description

Transmitters converting temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding air and in the ventilation ducts of air-conditioning systems into voltage (HTT-961/V) or current (HTT-961/A) signals.
Features of the transmitters:

  • dual output signal: 2×0÷10V (HTT-961/V) or 2×0÷20mA (HTT-961/A),
  • integrated sensor,
  • programmable processing range of measured quantities,
  • programmable humidity unit: %RH or °Cdp,
  • programmable range of output signal changes,
  • hermetic wall-mounted housing (IP65)
  • The transmitter is configurable with a computer via the IF-2013U interface.

Instead of a signal proportional to relative humidity, an output proportional to dew point temperature can be selected. It is also possible to change the processing range of the measured quantities and the range of variation of the output signals.

Technical data

Temperature processing range -40÷80°C , programowalny, (upper-lower ≥ 10°C)
Relative humidity processing range 0÷100%, programmable, (upper-lower ≥ 10%)
Dew point temperature processing range –40÷80°Cdp, programmable, (upper-lower ≥ 10°Cdp
Output signals
HTT-961/V 0÷10 V, programmable
HTT-961/A 0÷20mA lub 4÷20mA, programmable
Temperature processing error 0,5 °C
Relative humidity processing error 2% for RH ≤ 80% i 3% for RH > 80%
Power supply
HTT-961/V 14÷36 V DC / 35 mA
HTT-961/A 12÷36 V DC / 55 mA
Operating temperature –40÷80°C
Dimensions: body / sensor (length x diameter) 64 x 57 x 35 mm / L x 8 mm
Weight approx. 90 g

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